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Omnism is the respect of all religions with their gods or lack thereof. Those who hold this belief are called omnists, sometimes written as omniest. Omnism teaches that within every religion, there is an element of truth found within it.

Some famous omnists are:

Philip James Bailey, who first coined the term in his long poem "Festus" in 1839.

Ellen Burstyn, who affiliates herself with all religions, having stated that she is "a spirited opening to the truth that lives in all of these religions.

John Coltrane, after a self-described religious experience that helped him kick his heroin and alcohol addiction, he embraced a universalist view of spirituality and composed "A Love Supreme", a four-part suite dedicated to God.

Albert Einstein, who expressed a cosmic religious feeling and a belief in the harmony of nature and reason.

Mahatma Gandhi, who practiced Hinduism but also drew inspiration from Jainism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, and advocated for religious tolerance and pluralism.

Omnists practice their faith in different ways, depending on their personal preferences and beliefs. Some common ways that omnists practice their faith are:

Learning from different religions. Omnists are open to exploring and studying various religions and their teachings, rituals, scriptures, and histories. They seek to find the wisdom and truth that each religion offers, without necessarily adhering to one specific doctrine or dogma.

Synthesizing different religions. Omnists may combine elements of different religions into their own unique belief system or worldview. They may adopt practices, symbols, concepts, or values from various faiths that resonate with them, creating a syncretistic religion.

Respecting different religions. Omnists acknowledge and appreciate the diversity and validity of other religions, without judging or criticizing them. They may engage in interfaith dialogue, cooperation, or service with people of other faiths, or participate in their celebrations or ceremonies.

Seeking a higher power. Omnists may believe in some form of a higher power, whether it is a personal deity, an impersonal force, a cosmic principle, or a transcendent reality. They may pray, meditate, or worship in various ways to connect with this higher power, or express gratitude, reverence, or love.


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Jun 28, 2023
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

As wells very informative and well written

Jul 29, 2023
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Thank you. Peace.

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