Hello and Welcome! Maybe you visit this website on a regular basis and maybe this is your first time here. Either way, here is a review of this website and what it is about.
If you signed up for the blog on the Tai chi page, that may be your focus and you have no interest in the rest of the site. No problem because there is no charge to belong to this site, nothing is for sale, and there are no links that provide any payment to your humble blogger. This site includes the passions of the writer and you will find that in all cases (unless something was inadvertently missed) the reader is referred to their personal health care professional. Starting with the Tai chi page, there are links to warm up exercises, explanations of the Yang Style 24 Short Form (and other forms). links to a Qigong follow along, and a link to the Tai chi blog where additional videos are added on a regular basis. The sword dance video is for entertainment - don't try it! Seriously, without expert training, somebody can get hurt!
You can always return to the Home Page by clicking on the Yin/Yang Symbol, or in the case of the 30 Day Program, you will return to the main tai chi page. You will also see tabs at the top of some of the pages for different subject matter.
Breathing Meditation - audio and a link to 30 minute meditation sessions
The Seven Chakras - what the symbols are said to mean and the associated stones
Diet - diets for health, not weight loss miracles
LoVE - links to a large variety of religious and humanist groups - some offer live online services
Nature - links to video/music that can be used to practice yoga/tai chi/martial arts or just enjoy. These videos can be opened on your phone in the YouTube mode and cast to a big screen TV - sometimes. It depends on your equipment and tech savvy. When in doubt, ask the nearest 12 year old. They can usually figure it out in seconds.
Quotes - updated from time to time and always uplifting
Taisou - a five minute Japanese follow along exercise that is easy yet quite a workout.
Travel - links to each state official website and additional links to travel while sitting at home. Tour the Louvre, the Vatican, or the Met or get active and arrange a day at a local park or not so local park. (Forest Breathing)
Yoga - two videos to start your day if yoga is your passion
Zen - a beach sunset to enlarge to full screen with the sound of the waves, or mute the video and play the mindfulness audio on the top left of the page - whatever is more calming for you
I always remind my students that perfection is not the goal, especially in physical endeavors. Continuous improvement while mindful of physical/medical limitations/issues/realities, using alternative movements as needed is perfectly acceptable. Each movement, kick, twist, etc. is something to be celebrated because you will get better and better over time. The Principles of Tai chi can be practiced and improved with every session. A five minute practice or a one hour practice each have value. It is the repetition that ingrains the principles into your thought process.
So enjoy the website, contact us if you find a broken link or error, learn in a live class setting when possible, and remember that it is YOUR practice based on your goals and your abilities. Almost everyone can benefit from Tai chi. Thanks for subscribing to this blog.
Well written and informative as all your blogs.