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Can You Create a Mindful Home?

Updated: Apr 10, 2020

We've talked about homes in previous blogs - lighting, Feng Shui, etc. A prior blog post recommended e-books about mindfulness. Wouldn't you know it, there is a 2015 book titled The Mindful Home by Dr. Craig and Deirdre Hassed. It's available on Amazon as a Kindle book or in paperback. It's also available as an e-book from Google.

Right at the beginning is a link to a website for ideas used in the book. Don't bother following that because it's a dead link. However, don't give up on the book. As soon as the author mentioned Groundhog Day, it was evident that this book had potential. If you've never seen the 1993 movie Groundhog Day, watch it!

Dr. Hassed states that being at home is a metaphor for finding the core of our being. It is enjoying something while it is there but not becoming "attached" to it.

The Mindful Home will not teach you how to be mindful and it will not teach you how to decorate a home. It will help you to identify function, features and beauty (as you see it.) It's interesting how each aspect of living in a home is examined - noise and quiet, inside and outside spaces. It's not a house flipping, you can make money in real estate manual! It's about the home you have, full of kids or no kids, full of company or few visitors, small and large spaces, working from home, and blending the indoors with the outdoors. A quick read (349 pages and lots of photography), but there are some exercises involved that should be part of the reading/learning experience so be sure to include them if you truly want to create a mindful home .


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